There is a small annual membership fee which for existing members, is payable at our AGM in April and at the start of September for new members who join during the summer.
There is also an admission fee to attend the events of our winter programme.
All summer programme events and Coddiwomples are free unless there is an admission charge at the location.
Giving you full access to all events, social media groups and a say in the running of the club. The club year runs from May to April. Membership fee for existing members is due by the end of May.
Entrance fee to attend our winter programme events in the clubhouse, and Thursday evenings on online.
Admission to the clubhouse. Maximum four events before you will be expected to join.
When you become a member you will receive our members pack and regular emails from the committee members updating you with club news, activities, competitions and results.
You will also have access to:
With a membership of around forty we have plenty of members at all skills levels from beginners through enthusiasts to professionals, who use both dSLRs and Mirrorless systems from the big three, Canon, Nikon and Sony, as well as several of the other brands.
We have members who specialise in all genres, wildlife, landscape, creative, abstract, portraiture and street, to name a few. Many have excellent knowledge of Lightroom, Photoshop, website design with some having worked in the IT sector.
Enjoy the company of like-minded members who are friendly and always more than willing to offer advice when asked.
Improve your photography knowledge by taking part in our workshops and attending our speaker presentations.
Enter our competitions using feedback from judges to help you progress with your photography skills.
Penwith Photographic Group