Field Trips

Our Summer programme is all about evening field trips to local places of interest. Every Thursday for eighteen weeks from the start of May to the end of August. We meet at places around Penwith, although we have started to hold a few trips further afield.

The summer programme is free to attend and open to anyone interested in photography who wants to come along.

Treated mainly as a social event for our members, where we go out as a group and shoot ideas we have had, or practice techniques learned, during our winter programme.

We return annually to many more popular locations with our members and rotate the others, throwing in the odd one-off trips here and there.

Our Summer programme is all about evening field trips to local places of interest. Every Thursday for eighteen weeks from the start of May to the end of August. We meet at places around Penwith, although we have started to hold a few trips further afield.

The summer programme is free to attend and open to anyone interested in photography who wants to come along.

Treated mainly as a social event for our members, where we go out as a group and shoot ideas we have had, or practice techniques learned, during our winter programme.

We return annually to many more popular locations with our members and rotate the others, throwing in the odd one-off trips here and there.


Land and seacapes play a large part in our field trips and so they should with our location.


Our heritage plays a large part in our summer programme with trips to the Tin Mines in our local area.

The BIG 5

You have probably heard photographers talking about going on safari and getting the ‘Big Five’ animal pictures. Well, our ‘Big Five’ are all landscapes and feature in our logo.


Nature and Wildlife get included with evenings spent photographing Butterflies, Poppies, Heather, and Purple Vipers Bugloss and Cornflowers at Boscregan Farm.


Three of our field trips are in and around local harbours. One reason is because they are flat and accessible by all our members, another is there is always plenty on offer to photograph.

Finding PPG

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