
During our winter programme, we take part in several competitions. These are broken down into three categories, External club competitions where we enter as PPG, external competitions which are for our members to enter as individuals, and finally, our internal competitions which are for our members.

The Western Counties Photographic Federation and The Cornwall Photographic Alliance, both hold a ‘Major’ club competition that thePPG takes part in every year. Both also hold several other competitions that our members can enter as individuals if they wish.

WCPF Inter-Club Championship

This is new for 2023-24 and is the merger of the established WCPF DPIC and the fledgling WCPF PrintComp. It is held every February at the Corn Exchange in Exeter.

There are generally around fifty clubs from the western counties taking part. The new ICC will consist of 18 DPI and 15 prints from each club.

This is an Open competition with some sub-categories and judges awards.

Full details can be found by visiting the WCPF website, see our links page.

CPA Annual

Cornwall Photographic Alliance’s flagship competition is held every May at the Keay Theatre in St Austell.

There usually are around twelve clubs from Cornwall taking part. The Annual consist of 15 DPI and 15 prints from each club.

This is an Open competition with some sub-categories and judges awards.

Full details can be found by visiting the CPA website, see our links page.

Cornwall Photographic Alliance’s flagship competition is held every May at the Burrell Theatre in Truro.

There usually are around twelve clubs from Cornwall taking part. The Annual consist of 15 DPI and 15 prints from each club.

This is an Open competition with some sub-categories and judges awards.

Full details can be found by visiting the CPA website, see our links page.

Inter-Club Battles

ICBs are organised between the clubs themselves. Clubs set the rules and guidelines, the number of DPI and Prints, select the judges and pick the dates. All image in the battles receives a critique from the judge. The club with the most points win.

These can be against local clubs in our clubhouse, we might visit another club for the evening, or it might be on Zoom in our clubhouse or at home.

2023-24 We have three 3-way battles (club v club v club) and two 2-way battles. A mixture of in clubhouses and on Zoom.

CPA - Nature and Wildlife Competition (theNAWC)

This is a members’ competition which is held every November at the Burrell Theatre in Truro.

This is a DPI for nature and wildlife images with some sub-categories and judges awards. The three judges selected for this are always experienced judges and nature and wildlife photographers.

This is a members’ competition which is held every November at the Keay Theatre in St Austell.

This is a DPI for nature and wildlife images with some sub-categories and judges awards. The three judges selected for this are always experienced judges and nature and wildlife photographers.

CPA - Charles Hosken

This is a members competition which is held every February/March at the Burrell Theatre in Truro.

This is a DPI Open competition (NOT nature and wildlife) with some sub-categories and judges awards.

This is a members competition which is held every February/March at the Keay Theatre in St Austell.

This is a DPI Open competition (NOT nature and wildlife) with some sub-categories and judges awards.

WCPF - Members Exhibition

This is a members’ exhibition which is held every May. 2024 this event will be hed at various venues. The first being the Magelake Hall in Uffculme, Devon. Other venues will be confirm soon on the WCPF’s website.

For members of the WCPF’s affiliated clubs. Members can enter digital and printed images of their choice for judging and displaying if accepted (entry is large therefore not all images and prints get selected). A smaller selection of the prints will then make up the ‘Traveling Print Portfolio’ that tours the clubs the following year.

This is a members’ exhibition which is held every May. There is a new venue for 2024, which is to be confirmed, but it was previously held at Bovey Tracey Golf Club.

For members of the WCPF’s affiliated clubs. Members can enter digital and printed images of their choice for judging and displaying if accepted (entry is large therefore not all images and prints get selected). A smaller selection of the prints will then make up the ‘Traveling Print Portfolio’ that tours the clubs the following year.

Image of the Year

Our ‘Image of the Year’. Each member can submit up to 3 digital and 3 printed images. Scored and critiqued by an independent judge.

This is an ‘Open’ competition with some subcategories. Memorial shields and cups are up for grabs.

Penwith League

Penwith league is our main internal competition. It is in league format that involves up to 20 images per member, with all scoring points. Members can enter up to 16 digital and 4 prints, depending on the format for the year.

Four independent judges, score and critique eight rounds of the league and one judge just scores the final round. Rounds one through to eights are held over four evenings, with the final round shown as an AV during our Finale Evening.

10 Day Challenge - 10DC

This is a bit of pre-Xmas fun, a competition with bottles of wine as a prizes. Members are given four themes at the beginning of December and have ten day to take and create their images. Judging and presentation is held at our last meeting before Xmas. Each theme winner gets a bottle of wine.

Maximum of six images per member, loading the themes as you wish. Overall winner gets to pick a guest speaker for the following year.

TheFMC - Facebook Mobile Challenge

One of our closed Facebook groups. Another fun challenge where the only prize is picking the next monthly theme. No limit to images entered, images receiving the most like from other members is the winner.

Finding PPG

Contacting PPG